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Monday, June 27, 2005

Tetris Development Slowing

My first round of development on tetris went pleasantly quickly. Unfortunately, since my first tetris post, I have become busy enough that advancements have been displeasurably few and far between. Such is the life of a new dad (although other factors have contributed as well: "Batman Begins," new responsibilities at work, etc.).

So that none of you think development has halted entirely, I am posting a link to my latest version of tetris. The animated image is a clickable link, as is this entire phrase. Included on the page with the playable game is a list of instructions, as well as a list of features I still need to add.

Updates in this version that didn't exist in the previous post are:
  • A smaller playing screen (for screens like my parents')
  • Space bar drops a piece.
  • Down arrow makes pieces fall faster.
  • Improved painting routine for sub-cool hardware.
I know it's a very modest list, but it's the best I've been able to do given the circumstances. There are a handful of other things I've added, but they're not complete yet so I can't put them on the list.


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