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Wednesday, June 15, 2005

New Development - Tetris

Thank you everyone who left your congratulatory notes. Mallory and Mom are doing well. We know Mallory is growing because some of her clothes are actually starting to fit. This should be no surprise, though, since she eats all the time!

In the meantime, I decided I needed to change the topic of this blog. Henceforth this blog will no longer be dedicated solely to my ray tracer. It will now be a place where I can write about all of my "extra-curricular" programming projects.

First in line is the game of tetris. A few weeks ago I decided I liked the idea of writing simple games. Since my co-worker wrote his own little game of tetris last year, it was somewhat fresh in my mind.

I started writing a tetris Java applet a little over a week ago. I wanted not only to write a simple game, but I also wanted to test my Model-View-Controller (MVC) skills. In the case of my tetris game, my view and my controller are the same class (they are the applet class), and then I also created a Game class which is the Model.

I'll explain the implementation further in future posts. For now, I just wanted to introduce everyone to SwardTris. Click on this play tetris link. Enjoy!


At 2:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks pretty good. Needs some work obviously. Like instructions! :)

At 8:47 AM, Blogger J Anderson said...

Looks good, obviously need scoring etc. adding.


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