MySecurityVault is FREE!

Let me tell you all a little bit about the magnitude of this release. First of all, the program is now FREE! We decided we could increase our "fan base," if you will, by giving away something of value. Coming from one of the authors of the product, you are more than welcome to take everything I say with a grain of salt, but I do believe this free software is packed with value.
First and foremost, MySecurityVault is a password manager. Use one secure password to access all of your other accounts; simple as can be. One of the major updates we made was to add an Internet Explorer plugin to allow you to automatically fill in online forms (such as secure site logins) from data you have stored safely and securely in your vault.
MySecurityVault is a bit more than just a password manager, though. It's a fully-customizable repository for any data that you want to keep safe (encrypted). You can drag and drop documents into your vault to encrypt them, and you can also create customized data categories such as "Books I Want to Read." I personally love it as a very convenient way to keep all kinds of data (both sensitive and not-so-sensitive) in a central location.
Try it out and let me know what you think! Here's a direct download link: Free Download.
Good for you. It amazes me how people will willingly give away their hardwork for free. But I guess it's because of a strong business model that a company (or a person) can do this.
Ahhh, spam and trolls. They "go together, like rama, lama, lama, kadingy, kading-a-dong."
(I was about to delete the spam comment, but then I wouldn't have been able to quote "Grease" like I just did.)
Thanks, ozzie, for your sincere comment. Giving MySecurityVault away for free is certainly a bit of a risk (its development certainly wasn't free), but we're trying new ideas to see how things work out.
sounds like a great piece of software..... and its free.....
has it got a PDA companion app? It comes in very handy to have all that secure data available on a PDA for when you're out and about.
Have a look at Ilium Software's eWallet which does just this.... and no, I dont work for them, I just use thoier product because of the PDA ability
Stephen Ward this is great!
It's funny how I was looking for this type of thing and found your post: MySecurityVault is FREE!. It pulled me right out of my research on swim shirt products and allowed me to sit down for a nice read. Thanks for your great job Stephen Ward. I think I'll hang out on your blog for a while and be done with swim shirt stuff for now. Have a good day Stephen Ward.
Hi there Stephen Ward,
Just to give you a heads up, you're probably going to get some more comments on this post: MySecurityVault is FREE!. I found you when I was out looking for the latest info about womens rash guards products, and even though this doesn't relate to womens rash guards, I still had to stop and tell you that you're doing a great job. You're about to get some visits from my brother and sister. I told them about your blog so I hope you don't mind.
Hi there Stephen Ward,
Just to give you a heads up, you're probably going to get some more comments from my family on this post: MySecurityVault is FREE!. I found you when I was out looking for rash guard product info, and even though this doesn't relate to rash guard, I still had to stop and tell you that you're doing a great job. You're about to get some visits from my brother and sister. I told them about your blog so I hope you don't mind.
Stephen Ward, I need a little inspiration... I've read your post 'MySecurityVault is FREE!', I enjoyed it so I decided to comment. I've been thinking about my blog and how there are all these people posting strange comments there. Maybe you understand, I'm not sure, but it's tiring to read the numbers of comments that don't have much to do with my stuff. My normal girls rash guards website never suffers this because it just sells girls rash guards and isn't a blog. Do you have any ideas for how to stop the cluttering of non-relevant comments? Thanks for your great blog. Tips are always welcome...
good day -
Stephen Ward, what are we going to do...? I'm not sure about you but it's getting harder and harder to enjoy my blog because of all the spam it's getting attacked with. You may be having a similar problem... I enjoy my normal site about rashguard because it doesn't get cluttered with shallow comments, but when I'm visiting other blogs and places on the web looking for rashguard stuff it seems to be everywhere.
Well I'm not sure if you have any good tips, but good luck with your website goals. I wish you the best.
Howdy Stephen Ward,
I'm impressed with what you wrote here in your MySecurityVault is FREE! post. I gave up my search for rashguards information and wanted to hang out here on your blog - well done. I might make a blog like yours about rashguards, but I wouldn't try to compete with you. You're doing a great job Stephen Ward.
You got a great thing going... by friend.
Aloha Stephen Ward,
I'm a visitor from Hawaii and just found your post MySecurityVault is FREE!. I like it... it's interesting so I decided to read and say hi. Although my interests are mostly about rash guards related information right now, your blog got my attention and was a nice change. Thanks for your nice blog Stephen Ward, I think I'll tell my cousin to stop by if that's okay.
~ Aloha ~
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