MySecurityVault is FREE!

Let me tell you all a little bit about the magnitude of this release. First of all, the program is now FREE! We decided we could increase our "fan base," if you will, by giving away something of value. Coming from one of the authors of the product, you are more than welcome to take everything I say with a grain of salt, but I do believe this free software is packed with value.
First and foremost, MySecurityVault is a password manager. Use one secure password to access all of your other accounts; simple as can be. One of the major updates we made was to add an Internet Explorer plugin to allow you to automatically fill in online forms (such as secure site logins) from data you have stored safely and securely in your vault.
MySecurityVault is a bit more than just a password manager, though. It's a fully-customizable repository for any data that you want to keep safe (encrypted). You can drag and drop documents into your vault to encrypt them, and you can also create customized data categories such as "Books I Want to Read." I personally love it as a very convenient way to keep all kinds of data (both sensitive and not-so-sensitive) in a central location.
Try it out and let me know what you think! Here's a direct download link: Free Download.